fredag 16. april 2010

Naming reality

"We cannot rely on the image of reality, what we see. For we see it only in the way that our lens apparatus, our eye, happens to transmit it to us, along with whatever other experiences we have had that correct that picture. And because that's not good enough, because we wonder wheter it might not all be entirely different, we paint.... For example, when we say, that's what a thing is like, we only have to depict it - then we have got it comepletely and we have got it right, and it can't be any other way. That's exactly what happens when things and conditions are named, it's something you can't rely on."
Gerhard Richter

"....even architecture, which is meant to last forever, is constantly changing, according to the chosen angle of perception."
on Herzog&deMeuron, Natural histoy p.207

onsdag 7. april 2010

A method emerging

My project will emerge in here somewhere.... Here you see the method map juxtaposed with my value map - maybe that's the way to go?

City/suburb valuemap

Emerging maps - symbols for mapping

diagram of urban relations to [dwelled] space

Living / Space

Building regulations to improve fire- and sound-proofing, universall accessability and energy efficiency are all, however necessary and well-meaning they may be, constraints in the produstion of space. When building fully isolated, soundproof independent dwelling units - do we also take away what is essential to dens urban living: hearing, smelling, sensing - and seeing - our neighbour? Are needs confused with comfort? Has our intimate boundaries been pushed too far back as we no longer share a bathroom in the basement or toilet in the backyard? Elevators deliver us directly from the garage to our doorstep, avoiding all kinds of physical encounters and possible confrontations with our fellow residents. Are the residential block we build today merely singular houses stacked together, like this hotel in Holland?

tirsdag 6. april 2010


Lykkebo er det mest solgte typehuset i Norge. BlockWatne har siden 1991 bygget over 2000 slike hus over hele landet. Huset måler 8 x 12 meter og har en grunnflate på 96 m2. Det er tilpasset en flat tomt og det tilbys i dag flere modeller hvor man kan velge "opplett, loftstue, ark, leilighet i underetasje og to til fem soverom".

Fra BlockWatnes egen hjemmeside

Diploma essay